Getting My Vision Corrected

Have you noticed that functioning in general is harder? Learn why visiting an optometrist may help you find the source of the problem.

What To Know About The Cost Of LASIK

2 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you rely on contacts and glasses to correct your vision, you may want to consider LASIK eye surgery. LASIK is a procedure that uses a special laser to remove corneal tissue. Removing this tissue corrects your vision and allows you to see without the use of contacts or glasses. For many, this procedure means a significant improvement in their daily life. However, LASIK is not suitable for everyone, and the cost is often a factor to keep in mind. Read More …

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Age-Related Eye Diseases

23 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Seniors are more likely to develop age-related eye diseases than younger individuals. As you age, it is important that you visit your eye care center for regular examinations by your optometrist. When age-related eye diseases are recognized and treated early on, you will be less likely to develop vision loss. Here are some ways your eye doctor can diagnose and treat age-related eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma. Diagnosing Cataracts and Glaucoma Read More …

Daily Vision Care That Can Help Prevent Damage To Your Vision

23 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Each and every day, you may do something that could potentially be damaging to your vision — and you may not even realize it. In a moment, your vision can be taken from you, all because of something you are doing in your day-to-day routine that could have been prevented. You need to think about your eyes and your vision in your daily routines and consider that what you may be doing could be harmful or leading you down a path that could end in vision damage. Read More …

Three Contact Lenses Mistakes That Could Harm Your Vision

5 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Eye Contacts are safe when they're used properly, but if you don't follow the care instructions, you could end up with an eye infection. Eye infections are serious because they can leave scars on your corneas, and these scars may impair your vision. Here are three contact lens mistakes that could harm your vision. Not washing your hands It's very important to wash your hands before you insert or remove your contact lenses. Read More …

The Three Best Ways To Pay For Lasik Eye Surgery

7 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Lasik eye surgery may be the key for you to correct your vision. Many of those with extensive vision problems consider lasik eye surgery because of the fact that it helps to significantly improve their vision. However, the surgery is expensive, but if you really want it, there are ways to pay for it. Here are the three best ways to do it: Use Your Savings: If lasik eye surgery is something you have been dreaming about, then using your savings to pay for it is going to be worth it in the end. Read More …