Tips For Protecting Your Eyes In An Office Setting

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Tips For Protecting Your Eyes In An Office Setting

14 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When you work in an office, it can be a lot harder on your eyes than you might imagine. You could deal with tired eyes, dry eyes, and eye strain, or all of the above. If you work in an office and especially in front of a computer, it is good to follow these eye care tips.

Adjust the Lights

No matter what type of work you do in the office, you need to have sufficient lighting. If the lighting is too dim, your eyes might be straining to see properly. Lights that are bright and harsh can also be bad for your eyes when you're trying to focus on small print or the computer screen all day. Consider switching from fluorescent lights, which might be a bit too bright, to LED lights in the workplace. When working at a computer, you should have sufficient lighting at your desk that allows you to read the computer screen without having a glare. If there is a glare, try moving the location of your desk lamp. You don't want the lighting source to be directly behind you. 

Wear Computer Glasses

If you have difficulty with eye strain or your sensitive eyes are showing signs of discomfort, you might need additional eye protection. There are glasses meant specifically for people who spend a lot of time in front of the computer; these glasses help to reduce the glare and give eyes a rest. Let your optometrist know if you have tried all the recommendations for reducing eye discomfort in the office but you still can't get relief. In this case, the optometrist might recommend wearing computer glasses.

Adjust the Monitor

The monitor you are using can also make a big difference in how your eyes feel at the end of a long workday. To start with, make sure the monitor lighting is set correctly. If it is too bright, it can be a little harsh, while low lighting can cause your eyes to strain too much. You also need to make sure the text is large enough to read easily. If you notice that you have a headache after work each day, it could be that the text is too small. Also make sure the monitor is the right space in front of you and that it is centered in front of your chair.

Give Your Eyes a Break

Also make sure you are not staring at a computer monitor all day long while working. You need to take frequent breaks, even if you are just looking at the wall or something else for a few seconds every hour. Taking regular longer breaks during the day is also important for your eyes.