What To Expect From Your Upcoming Cataract Surgery

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What To Expect From Your Upcoming Cataract Surgery

11 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Your eye doctor has recommended cataract surgery to clear up your blurry vision. This is a common procedure from which you'll quickly see results. Your ophthalmologist's office will be happy to answer any questions you have, but here are answers to some of the most common questions people have about this procedure.

Will I have to stay in the hospital?

Cataract surgery is done as an outpatient in your doctor's office. Once the procedure is done and your doctor is satisfied that you're having no problems, you'll be able to go home.

Will I be put under for this surgery?

You will not need general anesthesia for your cataract surgery. Your doctor will put drops in your eye that will numb it before the procedure.

Will I feel any pain during the surgery?

The eye drops that numb your eye prevent you from feeling any pain. You may feel slight pressure as the doctor works on your eye.

How long with the surgery take?

A typical cataract surgery takes 10 minutes. Expect to be in the doctor's office about an hour by the time you add the check in time and waiting time after the surgery before you go home.

How is the cataract removed?

Your doctor will break up the foggy lens into small pieces that are easy to remove from your eye. The space left by the old lens is used for the artificial lens, also called an intraocular lens (IOL).

Will I need stitches in my eye?

Typical cataract surgery requires a very small incision that will heal on its own without a stitch. If you must have advanced cataract surgery because the cataract is large and hard, that requires a larger incision. The doctor may then use stitches to make sure the incision heals properly

What can I expect from the artificial lens?

Your vision will be clearer when the foggy lens is replaced with the clear IOL. The IOL will also have some vision correcting properties so you may see better without your glasses after the surgery.

Will the artificial lens develop a cataract?

The IOL is composed of man-made materials. The proteins that build up in your natural lens and cause the cataract will not affect the new lens.

Will I have any pain after the surgery?

For a few days after the procedure, you may have some redness, swelling and bruising around the eye. You may also experience a dull ache in the eye. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain medicine, such as ibuprofen, will normally remove the discomfort. 

When will I see the results?

As the swelling goes down in the eye, your vision will begin to clear up. After a few days, you'll see the results of replacing the foggy lens with an artificial lens. Around this time, you'll have a follow up visit with your eye doctor so they can evaluate the results.

When can I have the other eye done?

Your eye doctor will want to see the results from the first eye for a few weeks before considering surgery on the other eye. They do not want to put your vision at risk by doing both eyes at the same time or doing the second eye too soon after the first.

To learn more, contact a clinic like Northwest Ophthalmology